Cube Controls is experienced in designing and installing building management systems that meet the specific needs of a wide range of industry sectors.
The team has designed and installed bespoke BMS solutions for those operating in sectors including, but not limited to, education and healthcare, sports and leisure, professional services, commercial property, retail property and local authorities, as well as industrial, logistics and transport.
With experience of and expertise in numerous building management systems, and a specialism in creating hybrid systems, Cube Controls can design a BMS to meet the particular requirements of your premises.
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BMS solutions for healthcare, sports & leisure
Healthcare, sports and leisure businesses and organisations are in the business of helping people to improve their health, which requires their premises to enhance this goal, not negatively affect it. When people workout, they breathe deeper because they need more oxygen and produce more carbon dioxide; they also get very hot. BMS solutions for this sector therefore need to incorporate and manage air circulation systems that efficiently circulate fresh air and high-quality air conditioning control, while also adjusting automatically to the constantly varying occupancy levels to maintain energy efficiency.
BMS solutions for commercial property and retail
In today’s 24/7, 365-days-of-the-year operating schedule, even in closing hours commercial property and retail premises need lighting, heating and ventilation for staff filling shelves and managing warehouses.
The products being stocked and sold will also dictate the environmental controls required. While supermarkets need cooling and refrigeration, clothing and home furnishings, for example, need premises where the temperature and humidity are carefully managed and adapted throughout the working day.
BMS solutions for education, local authorities and offices
Premises where people come to study, work or do business need to provide them with a comfortable and healthy environment to do so. It is also widely known that good air quality is directly linked to improved productivity and cognitive ability.
We’ve all seen buildings lit up (and heated or air conditioned) at night when few, if any, students or workers are likely to be using them. Building management systems for education, local authority and office settings will be able to identify if anyone is using an area and therefore if it needs to be lit, heated or air conditioned, or even have the air quality monitored and controlled.
BMS solutions for industrial, logistics and transport
The 24-hour culture also impacts those operating in the industrial, logistics and transport industries. Like the retail and commercial property sectors, these businesses need lighting, HVAC and other environmental controls that are responsive to the presence of the workforce and their needs, as well as to those of the goods and services they are providing.
Building management systems for operators in these sectors not only require optimal working environments but the reassurance of few, if any, unscheduled maintenance requirements and costs to enable them to deliver an uninterrupted service to customers.
Do you operate in one of these sectors? Or another, not listed here? Cube Controls is experienced and expert in delivering the building management systems for multiple, different kinds of businesses and organisations. Whatever you need from a BMS, you can achieve it with Cube Controls.
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Get in touch with the experts at Cube Controls to discuss your building management requirements and unlock your building's potential.